A hospital is open to scrutiny and criticism

I was not totally happy when I was in the geriatric ward in a large hospital in London but I was not afraid like I was in the nursing home because if something was wrong I could complain and I have complained since I left the hospital but overall my experience of the North Middlesex hospital is extremely positive as long as you can talk to somebody and find out what to do. the patient liaison service works very quickly and within a day you could be and within a day you could be speaking a motion or even to a doctor in the nursing home if you questioned your medication you got into terrible trouble. pretend that they were ignoring you but in the background they were trying to do with the problem secretly and I felt terrible for 48 hours after I was given the wrong medication when I was told it wasn't wrong it was because my eyesight was poor that I thought it was wrong.It is is a serious error not to accept criticism openly. accepting it will help both a person making the criticism ...