The editor is wondering about the nasty community matron

Do you know that in the United Kingdom each authority or London borough has department of community health and Care who have nurses and physiotherapists and other practitioners serving the local community. There are s community matrons each with responsibility for different parts of the service They are also responsible for the health of people living in Care Homes. the most vulnerable people in the care homes are possibly the ones who have dementia especially when it's been with them to several years. I would think that whatever the Matron does or says to these people, however however cruel, or inappropriate they know that the patient will not be beleieved if they tell the carers. so for those who are on the psychopathic side they can vent their feelings with no fear of a comeback. you can complain to the integrated Care Board but not many people with dementia and being very very old there are not going to make a complaint because they are not capable. I think this is very dan...