Why don't you look at us?

Why don't the staff meet our eyes times we are treated as less than fully human. The first visit to our room in the morning will be the night Nurse. She will bring early morning medication. At this time possibly 6 am it's likely We will not have seen anyone since 8:30 the night before and if you haven't slept that's a very long time to be alone. So you want some human contact just someone's eyes looking at you and meeting your eyes not necessarily any conversation. But they are keen to get on with their work and they don't want to engage with any individual that's my interpretation of it so they don't actually make themselves present in the room for even 2 or 3 minutes. So when they leave sometimes we feel very sad because you won't see anybody else until we get a cup of tea at maybe 7 am That's the most obvious lack but it can happen in the daytime as well that somebody is with you is he might even wash you but they don't actually you become present with you. You are not meeting two human beings K Braithwaite at 09:35 Share No comments:


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