People were not divided into old and young until the industrial Revolution

I do not think it's a good idea for people to the segregated by age. do my surprise I have discovered that it is a very modern development beginning with the industrial Revolution says that ultimately would lead to older people being put into homes so the the younger adults could work in factors and mills and coal mines. and now it's gone even further to use women in the workforce it's become almost normal for even the mothers of young babies to go back to work in a few weeks. you might you could explain that by the price of houses but it isn't just that. they want to get all the adults between let's say 16 and 70 into work so the children and the babies are with childminders or schools and the old people are in homes like leopards on the edge of the community cared for by lowly paid women sometimey show a great deal of love. personally I found it very difficult being in a place with several demented people because they do not have enough staff to give them the ca...