
Showing posts with the label old people

Mistakes with medication in a nursing home

iif If you have a family member in a nursing home you probably believe that their medication will without this properly by a large it probably is. but even in the best hospital of mistakes are thode. if your relative is compost mentis, you think that they will be able to ask the nurse is what they're given does not seem to be what they normally get. this has happened to me but only 8 tumes. I would tell the nurse I thought it was wrong and she would thank me she would go back to the trolleys and medication and come 🔙🔙 and thank me. n mliin my view it should be checked by someone else. if you've got 15 people all on complex medication it is very difficult to be absolutely sure that you are right no no one evening the nest came while I was in the bathroom and she left my medication on my table. but I know I had a long ways other things three speckled pink tablets. I could not see these. I went into the corridor and found her and asked it come look and shesaid do you not trus...

Everybody in a care home has lost somebody

The face I loved to contemplate is gone The image dwel ls no longer in my mind I once was sad to see it when I woke Now I’m even sadder by mind blind All perceptions fade if not renewed The ones we loved the most still disappear Perhaps when we’re asleep then they return We are passive though our love’s sincere As I grow old, I lose their shape and form Yes I see the smile before he died. I helped him to the river and the boat Now he Is no longer by m

The loss we suffer as we age

The face that was familiar is erased And now I feel the emptiness within A lonely heart,a mind that seems half crazed By losing him,how greatly have I sinned? The face so dear, seemed etched upon my heart I did not see the writing on the wall Now my heart is blank, how shall I start? Never love another in this life? Measure Mathematics on a chart? Learn the poet’s worth yet feel the knife? The dagger in the heart, the loss of blood Anaemic, faint and weak, where shall we go? Like the chained up slaves felt, where is good? The Arctic wastes of life, the frost the snow. I smile and look contented , understood My patient hands alone now sweat with blood

Black humour

1. I want to go home because I can't lmake love to myself in a nursing home 2. I want to go home because I can't commit suicide in here. 3. I want to go home to find out in my relatives have stolen anything. and if they have I want to kill them and I can't kilim in a nursing home. this is humalour and it might even be ironic if you keep talking about suicide you might see a psychiatrist. well that would be better than not talking to anyone wouldn't it I'm just possible that if they're through her board and fed up you are they might set to see if you're depressed and give you some treatment for it. if you think you are depressed do demands to see your doctor as we're all entitled to see doctor if we want to

People were not divided into old and young until the industrial Revolution

I do not think it's a good idea for people to the segregated by age. do my surprise I have discovered that it is a very modern development beginning with the industrial Revolution says that ultimately would lead to older people being put into homes so the the younger adults could work in factors and mills and coal mines. and now it's gone even further to use women in the workforce it's become almost normal for even the mothers of young babies to go back to work in a few weeks. you might you could explain that by the price of houses but it isn't just that. they want to get all the adults between let's say 16 and 70 into work so the children and the babies are with childminders or schools and the old people are in homes like leopards on the edge of the community cared for by lowly paid women sometimey show a great deal of love. personally I found it very difficult being in a place with several demented people because they do not have enough staff to give them the ca...

Demented humour

I always thought my daughter was stupid but she's sutpassef herself this week She was born when I was 25 and now she is in the secondary school because she turned 12. Well she was off school one day last week but I didn't know that she was playing hooky. The next day she told the teacher that she had this home with me because I was suffering from dementia so I had to lie down with a cold compress on my head. well there is early onset dementia but I am only 37 and I've not even reached the menopause yet. But the teacher believed her on the headmistress is going to someone see me tomorrow and find out whether I'm having any treatment. I'll give her some treatment if she comes here as she will not come back again

Would you say goodnight and God bless if you were in Auschwitz?

The wandering woman has been wsndering again Another very old lady is terrified of her and when she hears her walking stick tapping in the corridor she starts crying. but this wondering lady who comes to which is a good knife and God bless 20,30 or 40 times a day, is not so loving and peaceful as you might hope. in fact if thwarted she can be very aggressive well look at Christianity and look at the end of Henry VII and his son and his daughters. is son Edward who died 15 and his daughter Mary whose mother was Catherine of aragon were quite happy to have people of the opposite religious burns at the stake. and look at the inquisition which I did not know until recently directed at Jews who had converted to Catholicism but were always suspect like the Catholic church we decided to kill alot for fun. So being religious does not mean that you will be peaceful and kind

There is usually love everywhere people are being looked after

maybe if you were living in a place like this then like me you would notice the bad things a strange things the things that could be better and that no one wants to listen to you when you tell them. the carers have many failings but some of them are very very good people who open their hearts to care for us and make us comfortable. i I wear being paid the minimum wage I'm doing 3or 4 12 hour shifts a week, I don't know if I could be so kind. the humble all light the worms in the soil that we despise them sometimes and think I foolish even stupid there are but I have come to value people lu are not academic full of bootlearning and big words. I have to praise the people whose pulse beats with the pulse of the world. Why is I Q valued so highly? it's possible that Hitler would have done well on an IQ test and that is truly frightening.

What horrible message are we being given?

E Edna is alone in the dining room with the doors open so we said all hear her shouting she shouts the same phrase repeatedly help me help me what is sl the message for the other people nearby? in 10 years this might be you unless you stop paying your fees and then you might be living in the tent in a field somewhere better for you? I believe that nasty people live longer and even when they found and showed themselves they should make other people miserable but why do homers say they take people with dementia when they don't actually do anything for them? sometimes I hear them saying, we don't do one to one's hair in here. How the feeling and la lack of feeling and thought show me another ways see the next post or twob or jump into the nearest River. you will get more help there than you will in here

Assumed helplessness

Even if you say that you will comb your own hair the nurse will still be say,dont forgwt. I think being put in that helps us position every day is a cause of depression. see Martin Seligman's book,Learned helplessness. depression is very dangerous as it will reduce your interest in things and your energy levels and so on but as long as you are clean and your room is tidy as nd ckean that is it as far as the staff are concerned

Your room is so clean and neat it looks as if you are dead

I find it hard that staff say but they will come and talk to me in five minutes and then they do not come and when it's something important and that is very upsetting. constantly waiting and if you are anxious is very hard. and then we can feel as if we are of no value or no importance to anybody at all because even when my neighbours daughter comes and she knows that something is wrong she speaks or writes to the manager or the deputy manager but nothing happens so she gives up despair can set in, once a new nursre came to my room and she said to me Gosh this room shows you are alive with your books and you r laptop your artwork and she said for many of the people this is if they're dead the room so clean and neat. and I have thought the same thing. when a carer just straighten my bed when I was bed bound she told me off for making the sheet crumpled by moving. I said I am moving because I am alive if I stopped moving I would be dead.

We are the lepers of society

Everything is alright

Yes some days the screaming is less affecting. Those who weep seem to be comforted. The staff more relaxed. Annoying things are een as humorous. Spring is in the air. Someone bring me some snowdrops Someone brings me a chocolate eclair I had a poor appetite but it's better and enjoy this cake. But it's still boring exit when I start writing poems or one of my friends writes. Something isn't right in the morning but before lunch something shift inside me and I feel as if I am standing on stable ground again All is right with the world