
Showing posts with the label Speech

If you have started wandering about

i f you find yourself wandering around the corridors can you talk to yourself and ask yourself is there anything else that you could do instead of wandering. you may not realise how much you wonder if you have a poor memorz. is other people are irritated with you remember it might be something that you're doing such as going into their room too much. here are some things that you could do instead if you've got a smartphone you can look at your first of us slowly and with interest. you can put your radio on or use your iPad to listen to music. if your brain is still working listen to discussions on the radio what is it tonight. can you get a copy of the radio tiles or look it on your phone or your iPad find out what is on the more control you can exert the better. lesshe more anxiety and or depression

The agent of your own life?

Peoplr who are not children are expected to be and expect themselves to be the agent of their own life. They decide what they do as far as they can given them out of money especially they have and given the people they are involved with. until recently in England a woman who got married was expected to do whatever husband wanted to dlo. if you are in in Nursing home can you be the agent of your own life? if you have sold your moved into the Nottingham family you've already made a very big decision. but you should make more like what are you going to do every day question mark Do you have interest in hobbies. are you going to pursue them are you waiting passively for the staff to tell you what to do or you're waiting for the staff to become your friends and then complain if they dont sut with your old hair long nursing homes are businesses. they don't employ a lot of staff and the staff are there mainly to the gifted the physical health conversations and to keep them clean...

Suffering old

There is a lady of 100 here. she has got immensely and she shouts and screams for most of the day although if someone is talking to her she stops screaming. it's upsets the carers as well so one of them just told me but the thing is they go home in the evening and we don't go home in the evening and sometimes all night as well and then luckily that's worn us and sleep for a long time but in the meantime because I'm not feeling very good myself to day I'm feeling very sad. I hear her screaming even when my door is closed. She can talk rationally but she wants things that she can't get like she wants to go outside in the garden but she can't walk so she has to go in a wheelchair which needs two people to manage and since it's often only two carers on duty it is very rare that she can go outside unless summer I don't think I went outside more than once partly because it was too hot but when it wasn't too I would have liked her outside but I would ha...

Your room is so clean and neat it looks as if you are dead

I find it hard that staff say but they will come and talk to me in five minutes and then they do not come and when it's something important and that is very upsetting. constantly waiting and if you are anxious is very hard. and then we can feel as if we are of no value or no importance to anybody at all because even when my neighbours daughter comes and she knows that something is wrong she speaks or writes to the manager or the deputy manager but nothing happens so she gives up despair can set in, once a new nursre came to my room and she said to me Gosh this room shows you are alive with your books and you r laptop your artwork and she said for many of the people this is if they're dead the room so clean and neat. and I have thought the same thing. when a carer just straighten my bed when I was bed bound she told me off for making the sheet crumpled by moving. I said I am moving because I am alive if I stopped moving I would be dead.

Adventures of the. old

While Mary sat in the kitchen on a large pine chair looking at Hotter’s latest shoe catalogue,Annie was creeping up the garden path in a pair of turquoise suede elegantly heeled shoes matching her teal tencel culottes and matching blouse.Round her neck was a large lump of amber on a gold chain handy for beating off muggers or lustful men and women Despite the heat she was in full splendour with golden beige tinted moisturiser from Langone of Lyons on her lovely complexion,pink eyeshadow from Yves St Current and dark brown boot polish as her mascara had run out and she’d not been out for a while to buy more Annie ran the last few yards and darted like an eel into Mary’s 1970’s kitchen. What on earth are you doing,dear? Mary asked her.Those shoes look unsuitable for leading anyone up the garden path.Mind you,I do like them Oh,I’ll explain,Annie said huskily. I told that therapist across the road I was living with you. What exactly do you mean by living,Mary aanxiou Well,he said...

Taking literally what an old person says is not always the best approach

No I had never seen anyone anyone with dementia until I came here and I thought they wouldn't be able to communicate but there's a lovely lady next to me. I didn't know that she's got dementia and it took me awhile to realise that not everything she said was true. What night about 10 she started screaming and and the screaming all demented person is hard to ignore The nurse was unable to help her and after an hour I couldn't stand it anymore so I went in and asked what was wrong and she said I want to go go home, so I said where is your home? She then said the name of this place sit will you are there you are at home already this is your room and you fully recognise my voice because I have an extra room to you and immediately she quieten down and was quite calm she been having a nightmare about travelling in a car which two strangers and she became frightened. But my voice then with him enough to calm her. Octoberi she died so maybe the dream was about that Since...