Suffering old

There is a lady of 100 here. she has got immensely and she shouts and screams for most of the day although if someone is talking to her she stops screaming. it's upsets the carers as well so one of them just told me but the thing is they go home in the evening and we don't go home in the evening and sometimes all night as well and then luckily that's worn us and sleep for a long time but in the meantime because I'm not feeling very good myself to day I'm feeling very sad. I hear her screaming even when my door is closed. She can talk rationally but she wants things that she can't get like she wants to go outside in the garden but she can't walk so she has to go in a wheelchair which needs two people to manage and since it's often only two carers on duty it is very rare that she can go outside unless summer I don't think I went outside more than once partly because it was too hot but when it wasn't too I would have liked her outside but I would have needed some assistance and there isn't any really. we are treated like animals in a zoo fed watered cleaned. I write poetry and correspond with other writers and and academics but I don't like to know what these other people are going through and I will soon be leaving. I beg you if you can to visit your local care home as a volunteer if it's allowed and go to spending an hour there. I think nearly all the people are suffering from depression and despair but they are frightened is saying anything or complaining because the frankly being made to leave and it mean that we need better anywhere


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