The agent of your own life?

Peoplr who are not children are expected to be and expect themselves to be the agent of their own life. They decide what they do as far as they can given them out of money especially they have and given the people they are involved with. until recently in England a woman who got married was expected to do whatever husband wanted to dlo. if you are in in Nursing home can you be the agent of your own life? if you have sold your moved into the Nottingham family you've already made a very big decision. but you should make more like what are you going to do every day question mark Do you have interest in hobbies. are you going to pursue them are you waiting passively for the staff to tell you what to do or you're waiting for the staff to become your friends and then complain if they dont sut with your old hair long nursing homes are businesses. they don't employ a lot of staff and the staff are there mainly to the gifted the physical health conversations and to keep them clean...