Your room is so clean and neat it looks as if you are dead

I find it hard that staff say but they will come and talk to me in five minutes and then they do not come and when it's something important and that is very upsetting. constantly waiting and if you are anxious is very hard. and then we can feel as if we are of no value or no importance to anybody at all because even when my neighbours daughter comes and she knows that something is wrong she speaks or writes to the manager or the deputy manager but nothing happens so she gives up despair can set in, once a new nursre came to my room and she said to me Gosh this room shows you are alive with your books and you r laptop your artwork and she said for many of the people this is if they're dead the room so clean and neat. and I have thought the same thing. when a carer just straighten my bed when I was bed bound she told me off for making the sheet crumpled by moving. I said I am moving because I am alive if I stopped moving I would be dead.


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