Privacy in a care home:you have none

if you have your own room you may believe that you are got privacy. I had one drawer which I was using for my private things when several times clean it eithe how to empty 8 onto my bed without asking my permission when I was on the grounds that there might be some crumbs in it. this time while I was out of the room because they wanted to clean the floor really but when I went back we are turning all my positions not including my codes fortunately and they put books notebooks pens spectacles jewellery all jumped on my bed to anyone at all to see and cleaning woman and took out my private drawer and was about empty it onto the bed. play I was left to put everything back and during the following night I became ill with severe chest infection and I'm still ill now. I find it extremely intrusive and I never believed that no one could have the right to go through my personal belongings without me being there or without my permission. I felt assaulted. I had not realised how far they wo...