
Showing posts with the label invasion of personal space

Yes you can go home again

You can go home from a nursing home even if you've been there for more than a year. Why would you want to go home? Being helpless is conducive to bring along depression. and although there may be a choice of food this is not very wide. we were given pork several times a week probably because it's the cheapest meat that you can buy but if you're not very keen on pork it's trying. I lost several kilos while I was in the nursing home because if I couldn't eat what was offered there was nothing else sometimes there wasn't even so when you go home you can choose your own food etc however you will have become institutionalized that means that you are used to letting other people tell you what to do including washing you and dressing you and probably choosing your clothes for you and you don't deal with your own doctor yourself they ring the doctor if they're thinking it's necessary which is fine when you've got dementia m but if you don't have de