
Showing posts with the label Wandering

If you have started wandering about

i f you find yourself wandering around the corridors can you talk to yourself and ask yourself is there anything else that you could do instead of wandering. you may not realise how much you wonder if you have a poor memorz. is other people are irritated with you remember it might be something that you're doing such as going into their room too much. here are some things that you could do instead if you've got a smartphone you can look at your first of us slowly and with interest. you can put your radio on or use your iPad to listen to music. if your brain is still working listen to discussions on the radio what is it tonight. can you get a copy of the radio tiles or look it on your phone or your iPad find out what is on the more control you can exert the better. lesshe more anxiety and or depression

The agent of your own life?

Peoplr who are not children are expected to be and expect themselves to be the agent of their own life. They decide what they do as far as they can given them out of money especially they have and given the people they are involved with. until recently in England a woman who got married was expected to do whatever husband wanted to dlo. if you are in in Nursing home can you be the agent of your own life? if you have sold your moved into the Nottingham family you've already made a very big decision. but you should make more like what are you going to do every day question mark Do you have interest in hobbies. are you going to pursue them are you waiting passively for the staff to tell you what to do or you're waiting for the staff to become your friends and then complain if they dont sut with your old hair long nursing homes are businesses. they don't employ a lot of staff and the staff are there mainly to the gifted the physical health conversations and to keep them clean...

Demented humour

I always thought my daughter was stupid but she's sutpassef herself this week She was born when I was 25 and now she is in the secondary school because she turned 12. Well she was off school one day last week but I didn't know that she was playing hooky. The next day she told the teacher that she had this home with me because I was suffering from dementia so I had to lie down with a cold compress on my head. well there is early onset dementia but I am only 37 and I've not even reached the menopause yet. But the teacher believed her on the headmistress is going to someone see me tomorrow and find out whether I'm having any treatment. I'll give her some treatment if she comes here as she will not come back again

Would you say goodnight and God bless if you were in Auschwitz?

The wandering woman has been wsndering again Another very old lady is terrified of her and when she hears her walking stick tapping in the corridor she starts crying. but this wondering lady who comes to which is a good knife and God bless 20,30 or 40 times a day, is not so loving and peaceful as you might hope. in fact if thwarted she can be very aggressive well look at Christianity and look at the end of Henry VII and his son and his daughters. is son Edward who died 15 and his daughter Mary whose mother was Catherine of aragon were quite happy to have people of the opposite religious burns at the stake. and look at the inquisition which I did not know until recently directed at Jews who had converted to Catholicism but were always suspect like the Catholic church we decided to kill alot for fun. So being religious does not mean that you will be peaceful and kind

There is usually love everywhere people are being looked after

maybe if you were living in a place like this then like me you would notice the bad things a strange things the things that could be better and that no one wants to listen to you when you tell them. the carers have many failings but some of them are very very good people who open their hearts to care for us and make us comfortable. i I wear being paid the minimum wage I'm doing 3or 4 12 hour shifts a week, I don't know if I could be so kind. the humble all light the worms in the soil that we despise them sometimes and think I foolish even stupid there are but I have come to value people lu are not academic full of bootlearning and big words. I have to praise the people whose pulse beats with the pulse of the world. Why is I Q valued so highly? it's possible that Hitler would have done well on an IQ test and that is truly frightening.