Would you say goodnight and God bless if you were in Auschwitz?

The wandering woman has been wsndering again Another very old lady is terrified of her and when she hears her walking stick tapping in the corridor she starts crying. but this wondering lady who comes to which is a good knife and God bless 20,30 or 40 times a day, is not so loving and peaceful as you might hope. in fact if thwarted she can be very aggressive well look at Christianity and look at the end of Henry VII and his son and his daughters. is son Edward who died 15 and his daughter Mary whose mother was Catherine of aragon were quite happy to have people of the opposite religious burns at the stake. and look at the inquisition which I did not know until recently directed at Jews who had converted to Catholicism but were always suspect like the Catholic church we decided to kill alot for fun. So being religious does not mean that you will be peaceful and kind


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