Should advanced dementia cases be treated in hospital

when the brain cells die you can get serious cognitive decline and you can act as if you are psychotic maybe not all the time but sometimes. it's not very pleasant for people who are oh but not demented to be forced to listen to dementia people's screaming. surely special units adjoining the psychiatric hospital would be much better and safer for the severely demented who would gettreated by nurses on the NHS psychiatrist would have much better knowledge of what drugs will help them than GP will have. why are older people and make a seller houses to psy to nursing homes where the car maybe inferior although it's true that you get washed dressed have the laundry done etc but there is not much for them to do and the stuff have no special training in communication. it's opened my eyes and it has shocked me deeply while at the same time I made one of these people into the close friend and she died six months ago and I loved her