Mistakes with medication in a nursing home

iif If you have a family member in a nursing home you probably believe that their medication will without this properly by a large it probably is. but even in the best hospital of mistakes are thode. if your relative is compost mentis, you think that they will be able to ask the nurse is what they're given does not seem to be what they normally get. this has happened to me but only 8 tumes. I would tell the nurse I thought it was wrong and she would thank me she would go back to the trolleys and medication and come 🔙🔙 and thank me. n mliin my view it should be checked by someone else. if you've got 15 people all on complex medication it is very difficult to be absolutely sure that you are right no no one evening the nest came while I was in the bathroom and she left my medication on my table. but I know I had a long ways other things three speckled pink tablets. I could not see these. I went into the corridor and found her and asked it come look and shesaid do you not trust me? you will not be able to tell the nurse anything therethere was nothing personal about it I would have done the same to another nuse. she told me that the tablets had changed to white ones so I teach them and then later I've become to feel very worried and I called her in and told her I didn't think that it was the same one and I don't know what she's given me and I still don't know what she's given me the next day the person in charge of the nurses try to convince me that I have made a mistakes in thinking that they were white nurses nurses said it was my poor vidion that had been the problem and that they were sure they've given me the right tablets then for a few days they had someone the next night the tablets were pink and they've been pink ever since. but they oll treated me. it is nearly a year ago now and if I known that I would still be here I would have made a formal complaint about it. of course the point what I'm saying is that if you've got dementia you eill not know ehat they give you A IT WORRIES ME A LOT iin other words the manager is being defensive which might be a short term solution but it is not a good idea it's a sign ofweaknrdd. good managers admit to mistake mighty be made and promised to give some more help to the nurses especially the nightnudedes. they need some more trainings the ones who admit it might be wrong and thank me for telling them offensible but it's still makes me concerned about the other people A


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