Communication in nursing homes or any place where some folk have more power than others

What I talk about here is true of many places that we meet other people we can relate to people with loving kindness we can relate by power which is a force to which one party is subjected to by the other. So if it's a Matron from the NHS talking to someone who's in a Care Home there is an imbalance of power. this makes it easier for the matron to take control of the conversation. Now when that happened to me the person said something very unkind but it was not just what she said it was the way that she said it. when I told her later that I have been very hurt by the conversations she said that it hurts to know the truth. If she thought that she was telling me some important truth there is no evidence of that in that particular conversation. she may have been lying when to talk about telling me the truth.Or what I heard was not what she thought that she was saying. since she was saying cruel things and I was not then I imagine she felt very gratified by stamping her foot o...