Communication in nursing homes or any place where some folk have more power than others

What I talk about here is true of many places that we meet other people we can relate to people with loving kindness we can relate by power which is a force to which one party is subjected to by the other. So if it's a Matron from the NHS talking to someone who's in a Care Home there is an imbalance of power. this makes it easier for the matron to take control of the conversation. Now when that happened to me the person said something very unkind but it was not just what she said it was the way that she said it. when I told her later that I have been very hurt by the conversations she said that it hurts to know the truth. If she thought that she was telling me some important truth there is no evidence of that in that particular conversation. she may have been lying when to talk about telling me the truth.Or what I heard was not what she thought that she was saying. since she was saying cruel things and I was not then I imagine she felt very gratified by stamping her foot on my head. On reflection I realised that that kind of behavior is common in all parts of life even when people are not being overly aggressive they may think they may think they've told you something clearly but what you heard may have not been exactly what she said because it's difficult to put everything into words especially when we are emotionally charged up. if somebody speaks to you in an aggressive manner you will feel the aggression more strongly dothan the words which they say such as I love you because if someone is aggressive to you you have to either attack the more escape and the words that they say are not going to make much impression on you also people can only hear about something that they already have knowledge of or feelings that we've already felt before. If I tried to explain Dirac's equation very few people in the whole world would know what I was talking about. some people will never have known a mother's love so they cannot empathize with someone who is talking about maternal love. They don't always say stuff I don't understand you that will depend on the relationship that you have. Relationship s of trust make it easier to listen and to hear. sometimes in a family that can be a lot of hatred well as love. D Sometimes there is no love and they are really an enemy who you do not trust even if they are siblings. Abel would it be w not to trust Cain If an authority figure wants the explain to someone they have to do it in a very pleasant and calm way. Unfortunately in a care home there are sick and elderly people. and if someone is in a bad temper they can b discharge their rage onto such a person feeling pleasure in putting them down but still wouldn't admit to anybody else. and they are probably very defensive so the only solution would to complain.If your brain is subject to cognitive decline you may not be believed if you make a complaint. is that case you are like Jesus Christ. Jesus was a scapegoat in the Bible stories But he was willing.


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