Ar elderly or demented residents told when another resident dies

 If you or someone you know is going to move into a care home or a nursing home in the in the UK I can't tell you everything that you need to find out but I can tell you one or two  things which are important.

Do they tell the residents when one of them dies?Ask about this because two people here distressed about this

Advice given is that it is better to tell people rather than just think that if you don't tell them thaley won't grieve. I can see one person who has been badly damaged by this and there are others who have been affected by it but maybe not so much. The staff of protecting themselves not the residents. In my opinion it may be that the staff will be distressed as they talk about it to the residents merch if they can't talk about something like this maybe they need some help or training

Ask the manager if there is a lock on the door of the rooms. There are locks that you can get which are suitable which are are lockable with a key from the outside and all the staff have the key so that so that they can go in when necessary. A patient or resident can open or lock the door just by using a lever they do not need a key to lock it.

It is much more difficult to sleep or to get time alone without interference if the room is not locked and anyone can come in.

So why would you want to

 lock it?

Because people with dementia sometimes wander about and go in to other people's rooms. This can be a shock it happens when the person has gone to bed and turned the light out.

Do you spend a lot of time in your room because you can't walk easily then unfortunately you become super vigilant like a horse left in an empty field which cannot rest or relax and will not eat. One might think why don't you talk to that person and tell them not to come into your room but if they've got dementia they won't remember doing it and so they cannot control it.

Someone came into my room when I was undressed getting ready for bed I'l had nothing on at all 5-minutes later I have put my night dress on and she came in again.

I have spoken to her and and asked her not to do it and she says that I'm invented this that she's never been to my room 

Used to come round just once or twice just to say goodnight it can be more than 30 times for me because she likes me. Over she goes into rooms which have nobody in them and she says goodnight to them. In one case the person died and she was not told in another case the person with move to a different type of institution

She has asked me to give her a clean pyjamas from my draw because she has wet hers. I never wear pyjamas so I can't help her and in any case the staff will know where her pyjamas are.

They know that she is seriously affecting some people like one lady of 97 who has not got dementia but does not like this woman going into a her room frequently. Her daughters have written complained nothing happens so they've just stopped complaining about it they don't know what to do do and I assume they don't want to move their mother as she won't know the staff.

Much as people are unhappy they're also afraid of being sent away that some people have made complaints when it comes to the crunch they won't tell anyone  the full story.

My brother died in a nursi home 18 months ago. I thought a nursing home sounded very nice. I had not been in one then in 2021 August my brother got pneumonia and he was sent to the hospital where he died. I seem to remember that during the pandemic nursing homes were very dangerous places.And for the carers they're risky as well.


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