Everyone especially the demented need hobbies

 If you get older and also so have problems with mobility you need things that you can do at home. Go to zoom classes or chokes on your interests. Then should you be in a home you will have something to do So think of things like writing stories poems, going to some arts classes, check up knitting or crochet, listen to music and discover who are your favourite people; do you love classical music or Leonard Cohen or or the Beatles

Why don't get some CD's of your favourites or MP3. Going to a home we will need something play the music on whether it's your tablet or phone or a radio with a CD slot.

If you like reading but your vision is not good you could listen to audiobooks or or podcasts.

It will make a big difference to your life in a care home if you have something to do do other than watching the television but it has to be something you really really like. Don't be worried if you are not good at writing poetry because even bwriting bad poetry it's beneficial and you will get better if you keep on. Well we are alive we should do things even if you're not very good at them. You will appreciate the great poets much more if you have tried to write for yourself . If you have a tablet computer you can explore all sorts of things and we can learn more about technology what we can do do with it including follower still living at home how to do banking online. You could join a group of people with similar interests chat to each other in the evening for example I know a man who does this in a group where they talk about politics it could be anything. Gransnet is an interesting website.


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