Getting older living in a care home more difficult for women

Women need to get some hobbies before they reach retirement age and the reason why they didn't always do that is because women are very very busy all their lives looking after children cooking clear washing working in a job at side the home helping husbands.
They are waking up when 
1¹they get to be 60 and they are alone.
Men die, kids leave home and suddenly
 nobody needs them anymore.
Show it will be a very good thing it all women A little time Out from caring for their families and trying to decide what they would like to do which is only for them not for caring for other people. Maybe you can knit 
or crochet. Now before you become too old to do 
anything new, it's a good idea  to learn something creative and new. A lot of people enjoy art and the evening you're not very good at drawing you can go to classes for beginners or or during an online class in zoom where you can also learn any language which was very helpful to your brain because cognitive decline is not what going to affect you so much if you learning a language or learning anything new.
A big problem is we are frightened of being no good at something but surely it's better to try my and then if you are no that you can stop but you may find that you enjoy it and that even though you're not Constable or Monet you are happy to produce your own drawings in fact it's not production it's a creative thing you create something you will enjoy the creation regardless of how how good it is.
Become disabled in later life and you can do your hobby at home especially something where you're using your hands or using your brain or both,? 
We are going to die one day so don't live in fear afraid of coming out worse than other people. Trying to create something will make you feel happier and you will never be lost for something to do.
If you like reading you can look that the newspapers in the public library at the weekend where they do book reviews
And then NJ you could ask the librarian if they have any of those books and they may be able to get one from another library for you and then when you start reading you will know what your favourite sources are and it's possible some of them might be covered on Amazon Kindle and you can read them sometimes completely free or for a very small charge and then you've got your own little library. When I was younger I did not like to read books again NJ but now I like to reread one and I realise how little I took in the first time I read it because I am a very fast reader and and it's not really so good. Fast readers don't take in everything.
No I deliberately try to read slowly.
When you are mobile you can join a book group in your time and the other half of it that is very rewarding is photography


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