More wandering and more distress or irritability or anger

 I doubt if many people who have their relative in a care home  where there is  no privacy or security in their own room are fully aware that their mother o or father or sibling has got no privacy at all although it isn't abused by the staff. And if you are bed-bound you are glad if someone comes into your room. The problem is when other residents with dementia wander about and coming to your room and say things that you don't really want to hear very much m

Here there are no locks  anyway n  of the doors.

I have already mentioned the Edna comes into my room and one day she came in 30 times after the evening meal at 5:30 pm. The started out as her going round once in the evening to say goodnight became two or three tiles and no there's no knowing what it will be.

There's an aspect of it if I haven't not mentioned before.

There are several vacant rooms and was inhabited till recently by a younger woman with learning disabilities. I would like to learn that she is now gone to and we'll suitable place because it wasn't  ideal for her  as she was mainly with old people.

Into the empty room Edna goes every time she's in the vicinity and she talks to the young woman who is not there.

That doesn't seem bad really t look but 5he woman in the next oom she sees  Edna go into this room and talk or pray.

She feels there's something eerie about it . It causes her a lot of distress and she is 97 she can't walk so she was at the mercy of he could going bye but she doesn't want her door closing because she feels isolated.

 We know that Edna is not morally

 responsible for the harm she does. But it's a form of passive aggression and because aggression when someone comes in 30 times in 3 hours. The staff say she can't help it

I don't think her memory is as bad as they make out because she's stopped coming to my room at least temporarily no doubt she will start again. She has just walked past prize without coming into my room over the door is wide open so she must realise at thatb I am not not happy for her to keep coming in. I was very kind to her until she came in asking me for pyjamas. And she came in in later than I would have wished one night and frightened me

others me when she comes in after I've gone to bed because I don't sleep very well since I came here and the fact there's no lock on the door was already bothering me before this happened but this is getting worse and and it's very difficult to tolerate that you can't get away from people that anybody can come into your room at any time of the day or night


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