The demented wanderer is a trial for other residents

 If you are living in a care home or nursing home you probably can't go wandering along the mountain tracks it will be a good idea if you tried to go outside for some fresh air when it's a bit warmer. This may sound simple but isn't if you need a wheelchair then you have to have two people when you want to push the chair and want to accompany you and very often there are only 1two catetda duty on the ground floor here and so there is no one able to take the wheelchair outside let alone to have a companion. If you can walk you are still meant to have somebody with you and in practice there would have to be 3 carers on.

So in the hot summer this year I did not manage to  go outside 

Have been out a few times by myself using the frame because I never imagined it was

 After all for most of the people here it is an end of life situation so why worry is there life is a bit shorter afro on the three people near me two of them have told me they want to die and one of them asked me to kill her she was as it were out of her mind at the time 0 as dementia affects the brain and therefore produces altered consciousness and perception and and makes people more aggressive sometimes.

If this  were a psychiatric unit I doubt if someone who is in a psychotic state the may be temporarily they would not be allowed to go into someone else's room several times a day or even 30 times in one evening to say prayers over him despite being asked not to do so. No in that unit they would definitely not be allowed to do that but they are allowed to do it  here. I keep dropping hints about locks on the doors. No one takes me up.

Maybe they're all autistic? The inmates are demented the carers or nurses are autistic how wonderful it is to be in a place like this even when you're not demented because you never know you might be able to enjoy it; it's so fashionable now that we're all going to be autistic.


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