The good part of losing your memory

No you may forget some good things you might also forget some bad events in your life and as we grow older this may be a blessing in some ways Similarly it help me to deal with some of the people with dementia whom I had to be stern with it's help me to know that they may very well forget all about it. It's very hard for them I can see that. On wake up in the morning thex6 don't recognise their room. They wonder if they are in the right place: this makes it very hard to relax. Sometimes they shout I want to go home. Staff think they want to go back to the to the old home. Are houses being sold to pay their fees? They can't go back but they don't mean that they mean that they are confused they don't recognise the room I look after my husband at home for the last 8 months of his life he was very ill with heart failure. In the last month he said to me this house does not feel like our house anymore. If you are here I know it must be right so I'm ok. I'm glad I didn't put him in a nursing home. What is the last thing she said she was if he was very angry because I was more intelligent but him I don't know what the point was just telling me that. I suspect that have been slightly impatient with him before because I've had cancer and I was still not recovered when he became ill out I managed


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