The oldest person 2

Continuing on from the last time it seems that this is very old woman believe that someone could heal her pain immediately if they would only listen to her but she makes such a lot of demands people tend to ignore a lot of them. 00 I don't know what she's really feeling like or whether he doesn't believe that they are deliberately withholding pain relief from her I don't know. But I do know that when she's feeling so much better I can talk to her and she will tell me she finds it very difficult to get through the long day. She will ask me what I do so I tell her that I'm a writing and I write every day. I also read a lot I don't watch the television. I talk to people on the phone when I can I talk to my visitors. This lady has some children about 70 or so. But they are rarely visit and that is very sad because it makes a tremendous difference to her when her daughter has been. It helps an artist on that day but for several days so if you have a mother or aunt or other relative in a nursing home with dementia or indeed in any kind of care home regardless of whether they've got dementia it's very important to have visitors and the pandemic has been very cruel to people locked away in here


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