This is not one to one care

I am heard a carer saying to a very old woman and I don't know whether this woman has got dementia but she cries a lot and calls for help in a gentle sort of way which is not very effective. Sometimes she will call me in and tell me something but when I try to reply he says I have not got my hearing aid in or or I think the batteries come out of my hearing aid could you have a look at it, I can't do that but for some reason she brings out the worst in me I feel angry sometimes. I don't feel this is right but I can't discover what to do to help her. I think that if you have a relative in a care home or especially in a nursing home you need to visit them as much as you can because the days a long for them. So some of them keep pressing their button to call the carer even when it's only 5 minutes since the care with their and they're really can't give that much time to one person unless they become ill with flu or something but I don't think the carers realise how long if you can feel how bored and there's no creative activity should do do most of the time. However kind the carers are they do not treat the old person like they would treat their own mother because he's got several to deal with at once. Also it's very difficult to emphasise with someone so near the end of life because many of us are frightened of that in any case and and it will be painful there feel


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