Try not to wander but try to be creative p

 Even people who have a dementia for quite a long time can enjoy certain things. Everybody needs some stimulation; everybody needs something to do. I have tried to to explain it I believe we should start to prepare for old age when we are young by trying to develop interests and hobbies that we like her selves not just what a husband wife or family like but what we as individuals like because we are individuals with the right to have some pleasure in life and to be free from pain as far as possible and to mix with other people as much as possible if we want to.

But one thing that seems to stop people even trying to do something is is the belief that if you couldn't do something at school that you will never be able to do it. Well I was told there was no good at art. I may not be a genius but I have done 7 paintings  and drawings which I like. I had no expectations I did not mind doing things which went stupid just  to someone who knew more than me. I had a strong urge I don't know why.

I think my father was artistic but he died very young and therefore did not suffer the problems of having dementia.

Why would it matter if you're not very good at doing it? One day we will be here and while we are here wandering around the nursing home in our pyjamas why don't we just draw something?

We don't wander in pyjamas. Enjoy exaggerating. Write a story exaggerate or minimise do anything because one day we won't be here on so we've got to try to do something even if we don't feel we are going to be very good because we don't have to be very good at everything we can be moderate at it or we can be just trying. It's better to be trying to draw a picture than be trying to the human race.



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