Unacknowledged loss and searching behaviour in a person with dementia

Several people here who are in the late 90s and one of them I will call Edna is still able to walk about independently. There used to be a man in the next room to her who was much younger and he had come here  waiting for the council to find hin  more suitable place.
I shall call him Tom. Ash every meal time he would take Edna to the dining room and they held hands as they walked slowly together in one day Tom was moved to a different room.
Edna was not told beforehand. Then he was moved back down here but in a different room still at least she saw him while eating her meals.
Then the council found the best place for Tom to go to and in 2 days he had gone wit without saying goodbye to anybody here and without Edna specifically told he was leaving.
Her journeys around the place to say goodnight to everybody in the evening became more frequent and I've already said that she came into my room 30 times one evening.
H Sgcame in at different times and twice I was completely naked. Then she came in after the night Nurse I've done her medication around and everyone was settling for relaxation and sleep but not her.
Hearing her voice after hearing the door pushed open nousily then being close with a very loud click as it is a heavy door all of that startled me. I was frightened that she was going to come again NH and I became more vigilant and therefore unable to get to sleep at all that night.
I talked to another resident and this person said Edna is looking for Tom. She gets very upset by being visited so much by Edna. She's 97 years old and has been ill and now she's always crying and her daughters have written to the manager complaining about this situation but when I spoke to the staff they just say she can't help it because she's got dementia.
If your mother came in here because she could not  cope anymore would you expect her to be in a room with no lock on the door and where another residents can walk in whenever she felt like it and say prayers or just incomprehensible words?
The other thing which deserves some of us is that she goes into empty rooms and wished someone good night and God bless when there is nobody there.
I have had to put a chair behind my door at night.
We are not allowed to have any boundaries and anyone from walk in at any time of the day and they do. Sometimes I leave the door open in the daytime so I can see them coming but I don't really like it at night.


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