Demented people flee

Like refugees demented people flee They have no plans no place where they can be In my nightmares I have felt like this No surrounding arms to bring us bliss The fear which seems irrational is not so Would you be patient with no place to go? Lucky refugees may find a home. The elderly are lost, they scream and moan Help me help me like a child they call. There is no Eden after that great Fall They long for death, the home they’re in appalls Where is the Ark to rescue these lost souls? They have nothing left to pay the toll Mother father husband and young wife Confusion takes the meaning from a life. They do not pray because they are locked out No church no Mass, no priest,no rites,but doubt. The piteous hands held out for us to grasp We turn away, unbearable the task Taggedacceptancedementiapoemverse.rhyme


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