Goodnight,Milly. You are at home.

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One of the patients here has got quite bad dementia and she is 100 year old and sometimes she screams and shouts saying I want to go home They ignore her because they think they know what she means because she used to have her own house.l they think she wants to go back to her house which is impossible because you can't walk but I have discovered that she doesn't mean that She means that she's forgotten where she is and she knows she should be in a place with a certain name let's say Edinburgh House so I say to her so you want to go to Edinburgh House do? then she says yes I say to her well you're in Edinburgh house now oh then it's all right for me to go to sleep she says and I say yes it's quite alright to go to sleep now because you are in the right place.Molly. she closes her eyes and she stopped screaming and she falls asleep everybody's delighted but this thinking would apply to other situations in ordinary life do not assume that you know what people mean. that is the cause of many family quarrels even very serious ones because nobody knew what the other person meant and it is quite simple if you can do it early in the conversation so you know where you starting from. gGodnight you are at home


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