
Showing posts from May, 2023

People who can affect your life in a nursing home

On e of The most difficult aspects of being in a nursing home is that everything you has to be done through the nurse although if you are in your right mind you should be entitled to ring your doctor directly without them through the nurse. and other things to for example going back to your home when you are willingness have to be around to a social worker. and at one time my sister was involved in trying to help me to tdo certain things. search for example when I was in hospital when I was in the hospital my sister was talking to a staff not me I was never going to be able to walk again but it was not true. they have said I would not be able to walk any better than I did before. she didn't do it deliberately. She misinterpreted what they said. it's very bad situation to be in when everything you do has to go through a third party and it makes it much harder waiting around for them to do something when you were quite capable of doing it for yourself and I fell because my bloo...

The importance of visitors

I'm i it isimmpossible to overestimate the value of visitors. put iPhone that some of my friendly neighbors would not come to see me because it frightened them about their own old age. and they all have children so I mentioned that they will get some help when they're older but you know society in our society we tend to shut away people who are no longer contributing very much to the economy and as most people don't go to church there may no longer do good views but then it was it was a good samaritan you helped the money had been robbed in the Bible it was not the pharisees all this scribes remember that is only a story

The risk of ill treatment

something that just concerned me s is the vulnerability of People with dementia because even people without them she may not have theit complaints te seriously and those with dementia may not have brain power left to be able to work out who was upset them and why I was . disbelieved myself when one night I believe I was given the wrong medication because I have three pink tablets and one night they were wise and I said to the nurse I I should have three pink ones and she said something along the lines I've known they're white now I don't think she was telling the truth I took them because I had a very bad night and it's day the difference in manager said it was because my eyesight was poor but I'd never had a problem in seeing colours and I was so destroyed and upset and the loan that I couldn't do anything I'm sure there's also figures get swept under the carpet the other things that concerns the piece of do not have dementia suffer a lot nevertheles...

What to do about disturbing behaviour


Is this how they will treat me if I get dementia and wander about

it must be very hard suffering from dementia and knowing that your screaming and shouting that you can't control and it affects other people bbut from my own experience as well as the direct distress there is a second source of pain. is a person is kept screaming for a long time without getting any assistance in their frighten other people because they might be thinking supposing I get dementia is this how the

Sadism and dementia. How impingement can damage

w We need a different word from carer are we also need to have some basic psychological intervention or training. in communication that you should look at someone and speak to them not speak at them. speaking up someone particularly trying to dominate them can be damaging and it achieves very little. in fact it's insulting. the fact that very few people in this country including the government can actually talk to someone rather than talk at all of us with no understanding is very very bad and I'm really sorry about it because I think it does damage. in winnicotion terms as discussed by Josephine Klein it can be an impingement on people particularly people did not have a good infancy. impingements wound and damaged people. when we talk to someone we hope to meet them not to wound them into silence. it's not surprising that it's easy to act in a sadistic manner without realising it fully. when someone is suffering from dementia as well they have no protection from jnki...

Are the carers responsible?

Some of the resident do get visitor s and sometimes they're relative wants to complain that the carers are not caring enough. but there's a confusion here between what kind of care you are talking about. the characters are there to this after the physical well-being cleanliness and food for the patients. They're paid a relatively low wage for so called women's work. extremely kind and good. but the carers are not cyclist therapists or social workers and they cantprovide a social life for the residents. it's the managers who decide on the number of staff probably as low as possible to get the work done do you think it's a vocation to be a carer? is there a Catholic nuns in a religious order then there may be a rotation but women getting work which fits in with family commitments is very difficult and then they're do this work because they want they need the money but basically the management has to do what they're told by the owners. this economic s...

Encourage residents to comb their own hair

why do we think that it's helpful to do residents hair when they're capable of doing it themselves? Learned helplessness is known to cause depression and of course some older people can't use a comb. put whatever things cradle can do surely it will be good to encourage them to. I'm not talking about anything riskers but I was really amazed when someone wanted to comb my hair for me. it might be faster to do everything for an old person who is slow but it's not good for them.

The souls are dead

their souls are dead their bodies linger on oh Jesus lord pkease tell them they are done their eyes are dead their life has run its course compared to this a death is not a curs e. on the platform working for this train let's try the boat it will not come again. shuffling moaning bending over frames infernos of the mind, what is the game? no mother father sibling looks with care would it matter if they were not there?

Are we like the Nazis?

I was sitting with my nephew chatting on my birthday and then suddenly somebody screamed. 2 or 3 minutes she screamed again He jumped and said why is nobody going to her? I said that she screams a lot. so on the whole. dhe gets ignored I was thinking this morning that it same situation I am here in my room trying to write a poem and this lady is screaming again I did join to a twice and trying to talk to her since she was curled so I got her a rug to put over her legs then she said she wanted to go into the garden but it's not possible because she needs a wheelchair and it was near the time alone stuff with me to go with her. I gave up I couldn't do aught but I'm sitting here unable to write accepting special circumstances the human instinct certainly the woman anyways is to go to someone who's distressed and see if you can help them somehow to restrain myself, then I thought is it like what happened to the Jews? people in the places that the German Nazis occupied or...

The messages of the great religions of the book

The wording might differ and the way it's expressed might differ but it seems to me that Islam Christianity and Judaism carry the message love your neighbours as yourself. put one person in a corrupt society probably cannot live their neighbors have themselves because it's a social setting that makes it possible to love and care for other people. if you are extremely poor sufferings from a shortage of money and food etc how can you love people? if you have enough to eat somewhere to live you may be able to acknowledge other people by for example looking at them when you meet them especially if you are in a caring profession that you might be able to treat your patience as being people of values. how can you visualise what the nicer's been like in the hospital ward full of sick people alone if they can't sleep alone with no one to call for. you might be able to get someone to come to your room in a nursing home but you can't guarantee that there will be pleasant t...