The messages of the great religions of the book
The wording might differ and the way it's expressed might differ but it seems to me that Islam Christianity and Judaism carry the message
love your neighbours as yourself.
put one person in a corrupt society probably cannot live their neighbors have themselves because it's a social setting that makes it possible to love and care for other people.
if you are extremely poor sufferings from a shortage of money and food etc how can you love people?
if you have enough to eat somewhere to live you may be able to acknowledge other people by for example looking at them when you meet them especially if you are in a caring profession that you might be able to treat your patience as being people of values.
how can you visualise what the nicer's been like in the hospital ward full of sick people alone if they can't sleep alone with no one to call for.
you might be able to get someone to come to your room in a nursing home but you can't guarantee that there will be pleasant to you I wasn't there will say
what do YOU want.
tHostility is more damaging to your health than smoing some cigarettes
and it's worse than alcohol.
which hostility also injured the person who is responsible for i
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