Sadism and dementia. How impingement can damage
We need a different word from carer
are we also need to have some basic psychological intervention or training. in communication that you should look at someone and speak to them not speak at them.
speaking up someone particularly trying to dominate them can be damaging and it achieves very little.
in fact it's insulting. the fact that very few people in this country including the government can actually talk to someone rather than talk at all of us with no understanding is very very bad and I'm really sorry about it because I think it does damage.
in winnicotion terms as discussed by Josephine Klein it can be an impingement on people particularly people did not have a good infancy. impingements wound and damaged people. when we talk to someone we hope to meet them not to wound them into silence. it's not surprising that it's easy to act in a sadistic manner without realising it fully.
when someone is suffering from dementia as well they have no protection from jnkind carers or careless relatives. O there relatives never come to visit
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