Are we like the Nazis?

I was sitting with my nephew chatting on my birthday and then suddenly somebody screamed. 2 or 3 minutes she screamed again He jumped and said why is nobody going to her? I said that she screams a lot. so on the whole. dhe gets ignored I was thinking this morning that it same situation I am here in my room trying to write a poem and this lady is screaming again I did join to a twice and trying to talk to her since she was curled so I got her a rug to put over her legs then she said she wanted to go into the garden but it's not possible because she needs a wheelchair and it was near the time alone stuff with me to go with her. I gave up I couldn't do aught but I'm sitting here unable to write accepting special circumstances the human instinct certainly the woman anyways is to go to someone who's distressed and see if you can help them somehow to restrain myself, then I thought is it like what happened to the Jews? people in the places that the German Nazis occupied or even people in Germany itself must have heard things seeing things suspecred things that many of them did not do anything. so they let people die and it's possible that they couldn't do anything but it's surprising what we will do if someone in authority tells us to do. I was shocked to realise that I have submitted to authority when it wasn't necessary. when when I came here I couldn't walk so I couldn't be out of bed. I'm sorry been frightened of the I became frightened of the carers. I acted deferentially. one day I had a severe chest infection and it was a nurse on who was from the agency not one who is normally here. I told her I was feeling very ill and she just laughed and said do you think they'll take you in the hospital just wear cough. so I got out bed and I stood up to my full height. I'm not sure what it is now but I'm quite tall despite being old. in front of a and very close and looked into her eyes I didn't say anything but she said to me I wasnt'dominàting I was just being assertive then she tried to hug me but I got back into bed. thank goodness Harriet was here the next day as soon as you heard my cough she went to the phone and rang the doctor immediately and demànded action. I had by that thing being ill for ten days and they had to give me something very powerful antibiotics and even so I was little for eight weeks. Of course the staff help with you get washed and put clean sheets on the bed etc but they don't have much free time. or I mean they didn't have extra time for those who àre ill. no I I have become more assertive and I ring the bell rather than struggling to my feet at night when I need some things but it's difficult not to just adapt that way of ignoring with dementia who crying and lamenting even the odd job man is sorry forthem. in fact he's much more truly humans than many f the others but there are a number who are very kind. I'm surprised now in view of the pandemic and the economic climate and the rising prices heat and food that Peter are not doing anything to object to this. nurses and the doctors have been on strike so have teachers and even University lecturers. Universities are negatively recognized in the newspapers. it's like saying don't bother with that baby she will keep crying all the time so we're just going to ignore it because it she just cries all day long. she gets fed six times a day and gets a clean up every 2 hours. she's just selfish Her spirit needs to be broken


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