Forced into a care home and mental health

a someone I know has been forced to go into a care home at leas for the time being but he has had serious mental health problems and apparently it will not come out of his room nor walk about which he needs to do because after having a serve he has lost a lot of his he has lost a lot of his mobility how will such a move affect someone with serious mental health problems terrified of see other people. he knows that I have been in here for far too long. he must be afraid that this will happen to him and he is very worried about money but he is poor she probably will get his fees pyed by the council I hope they will not send him to a psychiatric hospital because he can manage his mental health when he is house where he feels secure but if you have read this blog since I began as in February you know most people are not happy that many people here are you depressed sad lonely frustrated isolated I


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