Sadism in Community Care in London
Sadism varies from mild cases such as bullying in the schoolyard (although that can be very serious) and the other end of the spectrum we have people like the Moors murderers almost everybody will be cruel at times to the to the family their friends to fellow workers Certain jobs can make it easier to be cruel.
Jobs that give you power are the obvious ones and school teachers in past times were famous for their cruelty.
Some jobs give you the time alone with someone such as when a doctor comes to visit you in your home and you have nobody with you although I have never had any bad experience with it
in care homes there is plenty of potential for cruelty because many of the people have got dementia and so what they say could be written offe because they were confused and so on.
A community Matron came into my room when I was feeling unwell so I was lying on my bed with so I was lying down which is often the
in nursing home. so if someone else comes into the room to speak to you they are at an instant advantage being standing up towering above you and this woman says vicious things to me. when I have seen herbefore she was kind but there was something perhaps put on about this. the following day I became unwell and the following day after that I became seriously ill with a high fever and altogether it was six weeks before I recovered.
I did phone the office she comes from but there beg me not to make a complaint. however something has happened in the last week which is triggered off the memories And I suffered a lot of mental pain because of this I suppose it's some kind of a trauma fortunately compared to many it's not a serious as many people suffer.
I met her by accident in the corridor and without my self-control I said to her
You hurt me
She looked at me with her ugly eyes full of spite.
when she said
the truth hurts
Part of what she'd said to me was about a member of my family with cancer and she said that they will die very soon all there organs will fail one by one
that person will
very soon be dead.
as she knew nothing about the person that seems a strange thing to say but it was spiteful ans meant to
I call it serious and when someone is cruel spiteful and aggressive to somebody else when there is no cause for that.
it could be that during the pandemic people working in the health service have been under terrible stress and I am a vulnerable person it's not the first time that someone has used me as a scapegoa but this put my life at risk I think I was in danger of getting sepsis they had to rush to the pharmacy late at night to get some very strong antibiotics which fortunately worked Before it took six weeks for me to recover and of course the mental tone combined with this my relative having painful chemotherapy while I am locked up here in the care home agony at times. what I would like to know is would it be an active retaliation to seemake a formal complaint?
I believe retaliation is usually very bad first of all it reduces you to the level of the personsl who has injured you.
then of course it might damage their career it's if there were phones we have done some things so unnecessary and and injurious.
she looks as if she's near retiring those
Maybe she is a victim of the covid pandemic
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