They put me at risk of cardiac arrest because they did not believe me when I said I had angina

i was in the hospital with acute coronary syndrome in 2006 when I was 61. but I do not have coronary artery disease. I have a rare condition called variant angina which is caused by the artery going into a spasm similar to what happens with migraine in the head. I was put on some medication and one thing I had to carry with me always was something called gnt spray. you spray under your tongues if you get chest pain and it dilates the arteries it is also used to make bombs probably what you get from the spray is not as strong as a bomb or it would kill you. when I have been here for eight months I said to the nurse I would like to speak to the doctor about my medications because they had reduced one of my medications called a calcium channel blocker which is the treatment for variant angins all of a sudden one afternoonp they took my spray because someone in management had told them that I did not have a heart condition but that I suffer from anxiety. you can buy a gtn spray over the counter but there is no pleasurable feeling associated with using it. It beggars belief that they would think I was using it like people who heroin or cocaine. the next day the doctor looks in my records andfound that she had made mistakes; the record did have variant angina it caused me terrible anguish to be treated in this way and it put my life at risk as well. if I had an attack I would have endure if in the hospital during the covid lockdown. so why do they treat us like fools that have no role to play in our own health situations when I taught to the university for 25 years? of course my husband was dead I have no children I had no one to protect me. beware of ignorance and stupid management figures and nurses in care homes


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