Carers are not saints

Nearly everybody is cruel at times People don't become carers because they are more kind than other people on the whole or Some may feel like that. yet we're all shocked when we hear about or observe a cruel action. is low the hours may be flexible so it was fat women who've got caring jobs at home I They are not qualified for a well paid job and they only have to learn how to give people a wash if they are bed bound. Which of us can be sure that we will do it better now? There's another scandal today in the Guardian about a care home employing an 80-year-old nurse. she did not ring 999 when she saw someone's face was bruised and eventually when the woman got to hospital she got pneumonia and died. I believe that she was injured while being hoisted from a wheelchair into bedindicates just vulnerable people are.Th4 report said that she was not strong enough to help someone with a hoist but a Nurse does not usually do that kind of work. the job is mainly about medication deciding whether someone's ill enough or injured enough to ring 999. that was just a bad judgment it wasn't deliberate cruelty.


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