I have been tempted to be cruel occasionally

I myself confess that I have been cruel to one or two people.But because I have written about it I was immediately aware about what was happening. There are people who it is very easy to hurt.They ask for the impossible and then whinge when they don't get it. and they put themselves into a submissive and they put themselves into a submissive role in a way.Sometimes we may need to speak to them firmly but we should not be cruel when I was in hospital for more than three weeks I became very frightened of one of the nurses. I had dreamed that someone I know was wearing army uniform and was standing on the next bed with a big gun they were shouting at me to get back onto my bed. Metal bars on the sides made it hard to get out. I don't remember trying to get out. before I went to sleep one of the nurses had washed me in cold water. I was very afraid of her and after that and after that I looked into people's eyes to see if they were safe. So I have experienced that weak role. so I ought to be more careful but I am only human and some people do really make me feel very annoyed


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