The perfect mother

When an elderly person who can't walk or do very much goes into a nursing home and they feel very vulneranle being with strangers. that improves just an extent but then they become like a child, a baby it's not being weaned d and they very strong needs fors mother figure to be available to them whenever they need them constantly. To do one to one works there are not nough staff. the patient will ebecome very angry or very sad. KCIf they have a condition which improves or they're simply become more aware of the other people around them and what they can and cannot do and then they feel guilty about the worry they should do carers when when they were so helpless and anxious. and they've got physical problems they will not feel a lot better but there may be ablr to trust the staff more r arwmore grateful for what they can have that they will try to relate to the carer in a different way. I can see from my own reactions that I've never been very able to relax and feel someone will take care of me because my mother went back to work with only a few months old and I was left with a deaf and elderly aunt. everything by myself for myself and it's very nice if you haven't ring the Wizard and ask someone to make you some toast real estate view what the hell is can do that could make them a bit depressed when they realize that there is no perfect mother figure who is going to come and give th then everything they need may depend on what kind of economics climate there isn't the country and the general ethos of the country about looking after sick and elderly people. this is what socialist countries seem to do but unfortunately they're also have done ✅ very evil things.


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