Life after you escape from the care home

Very few people leave a care home alive. I have done so but it's not easy because when we stop doing the things like planning our own meals or paying bills or even using the washing machine to my horror I have discovered one becomes afraid of them. so I have had to endure a lot of anxiety. sometimes I feel as if I am on the top of a mountain surrounded by mist. I am completely alone I don't know which way to go as I do each thing my anxiety gets less. I have managed to find a very good electrician.I am diffident with the neighbours because I don't want to be seen as a burden. but I am a really lovely person. I am very kind I'm gentle. I am also extremely intelligent but I hope this is not seen in the negative way. what can I have found the most wonderful things about being in an ordinary house is the light coming through the windows and being able to read a book in my hands and I can see it properly because my room in the care home was so dark I could only read things on my phone or on the tablet but I find with my hands it's painful holding a tablet for a long time and my hands have deteriorated because I also had to write on my phone and I'm still doing this on my phone bIf ecause I can't get used to using a computer again. weather had betterI would have enjoyed sitting in my garden Don't miss the next exciting instrument


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