Thinking about a person with dementia

I have been going over in my mind my experience of being with someone with advanced dementia and getting to know her and getting to be a friend. The best analogy I can think of to be how you would be meeting a smallish wild animal.You approach cautiously but not fearfully.It will be important to be in good contact with your body.It's not only because a fear but it's a good way to be with people to be feelingly inside your body. After that you can speak to them it seems but there is no hurry at all. I also said to this particular lady that if she kept screaming for more than five minutes. and I would tell her that I will not stay in her room and then I would go and I would say I will come back tomorrow or soon anyway the next day I never made a time because how she was varied. And I could say the same of myself. it was very slow progress which I heard her talking to herself. she was saying that I the writer am a very special person. I am one of a kind so I have become part of her inner world I think. I suppose if you are also resident in nursing home it puts you on a level footing. not in a position of authority over her. and I had experienced the suffering and the loneliness and long nights. but I was lucky because I had my writings and I had friends who were emailing and I had friends who were emailing me. Sometimes we spoke on the phone. several of the people including this one told me how much still long to die. it's not just the dementia it's the boredom. If only we were encouraged to develop interests before we reach this part of our lives. What's on the television is not enough. My grandfather had a dog when he retired from the coal mine. The dog died just a few days before he did. Goodnight grandad


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