Original sin and nursing home is

Why am I thinking about original sin? No one talks about sin nowadays do though nor about evil and yet in the last 120 years we had two terrible world wars we had the Holocaust we had Stalin not to mention the other more recent tragedies The human beings can be involved in evil matters. What original sin was meant to be something that babies were born with something to do is sex being evil according to Santa Augustin of Hppo. . So what is the problem? Well I have a different explanation. Someone born into the economic system presently in Britain will be better off the many babies are in other parts of the world. Get the staff in care homes are not able to do their job with 100% satisfaction because the prime purpose of this care home is to make money for the owners and in order to make money you've got to charge a certain fee but not so high that no one will those who afford it with high enough to make a profit. Well you can do this by having the minimum number of staff and paying them the minimum wage which currently in London is about £10 an hour. There are never quite enough carers to answer the people's bells as quickly as critical would like them to. So sometimes the people who can't walk and therefore are in the gracious need will start to scream and shout or cry and sog and this can be very distressing for all of us to hear. Then they criticize the carers but it's not the carers fault is it if you have say 18 people needing care with only two carers on duty then someone loses out. It's like Darwin's theory of evolution that the strongest will beat the weakest and the strongest of the old people even when they have dementia can dominate the atmosphere They do get more attention simply because you can hear them so much. It can be tragic sometimes but it's even more tragic to me to see the ones who have not got dementia but maybe you've got cognitive decline and they're just sit there half dead in the silence. They are the forgotten people unless they have families close by and some families think that once they're relative has got dementia they don't need to visit them anymore but dementia is only part of what they are most of their personality is still intact. The name of the person may be forgotten but the familiar eyes on face and voice will be a great comfort Where I see the sin is even with someone who feels that she's got a vocation to be a carer to the elderly cannot be a carer in the full sense because she cannot look after anybody except the ones who are fairly fit she cannot lose after anybody to the extent that they need. And there's nothing in economic theory about a job being there to satisfy and genuine need for human caring for the old or disabled . The sin is not in the Carers but it is in the economic system of maximizing profits and minimizing labour costs. If you looking at a textbook for mathematical ethanolics you will see the letters L is labour, formerly known as people C is capital. Representing money To me it is dehumanising to call people labor and them in numbers which happens if you continue reading this economics book. Once you don't see them as people then you can move them about do what you like to them make them part of an algebraic equation ... So labor must be mobile and people cannot expect to live in the same city all their lives. Don't worry about the elderly parents or their relatives etc they have to move elsewhere and while this is quite acceptable to some better off people if she's not so good for people in lower jobs who are getting older. How many devices now we have so we can stay in touch with people far away because we can't expect to stay near our friends or relatives for any length of time and that might be our children use their phones so much as well. What it means in a care home is that is it will be very unusual for all the residents to feel satisfied with their care but they will criticise the carers or the nurse or the manager for those people do not have any control over the number of staff. It's possible that some homes are more flexible than others but you can't be sure of that but you cannot be. sure of anything The original sin is the economic system together with the flows of weaknesses together with the flaws and weaknesses of human beings which are there in the rich and the poor. Sometimes there are saints as well .


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