
Stigma and Nursing Homes


There are always good people

in most organisations there are some good people and there are some fairly good people so it's not all negative. it's party that people expect too much from the harrows and the nurse. while the nursing home will hit your loved one safe and clean and encourage them to eat or even help them to eat they cannot always spend very long talking to people and in anything else they're being told about 10 times an hour which is not very much and if they had any qualifications they might get a better page job but some people get a lot more antibute because they're like to be with others and to help others and to and talk to the other carers and so on and it can be a very good thing but you can't expect them to understand the latest things about communication communication. they will not have read books by psychotherapists and so on about how to listen better because you don't learn that at school and if you leave school at 16 and begin to work perhaps we get married chi...

Why are we not given information when we come in here

I I made an unofficial complaint when I being here for a few weeks and then I got a very angry deputy manager in my room telling me why did I not speak to her first before i spoke someone outside. I didn't know if she was the deputy manager I didn't know there was a deputy manager I suppose if I was a bit more with it I might have realized but I'm not that kind of person. I am a creative writer and poet. I'm not concerned about power and politics but I realized that's going to have to change. I didn't know terrible it was to be bed band the mercy of strangers. unfortunately my family do not live near me but that's no excuse. it is a situation which could be very dangerous for a certain types of elderly people .

The sufferings of old people in nursing home who are surrounded by people who scream and shout because of dementia

I know it's hard being demented but it's also hard for other residents in a home to have to listen to someone screaming and shouting for ours and there is some places even doing it right through the night. but who listens to people in a nursing home? how you brave enough to think about what it's really like?

Residents are made insecure by demented people going into their rooms whenever they want to even late n the evening

How will you feel if someone kept coming into your room up to 40 times ago wishing you good life and God bless? Some people may not marry but most people get distressed by this and start screaming and crying which is very disturbing to everybody else. I don't know what can be done but everybody is entitled she feel secure in their room and in their care home and there must be some thought given to what can be done. I'm thinking of involves someone who is bedridden but she likes to have her door wide open so that she can see people passing by but since the door is wide open this is tempting to a wandering person to go into the room to see what she can do or simply to say religious things like May God be with you

Goodnight,Milly. You are at home.

class="separator" style="clear: both;"> One of the patients here has got quite bad dementia and she is 100 year old and sometimes she screams and shouts saying I want to go home They ignore her because they think they know what she means because she used to have her own house.l they think she wants to go back to her house which is impossible because you can't walk but I have discovered that she doesn't mean that She means that she's forgotten where she is and she knows she should be in a place with a certain name let's say Edinburgh House so I say to her so you want to go to Edinburgh House do? then she says yes I say to her well you're in Edinburgh house now oh then it's all right for me to go to sleep she says and I say yes it's quite alright to go to sleep now because you are in the right place.Molly. she closes her eyes and she stopped screaming and she falls asleep everybody's delighted but this thinking would apply to othe...

Mistakes with medication in a nursing home

iif If you have a family member in a nursing home you probably believe that their medication will without this properly by a large it probably is. but even in the best hospital of mistakes are thode. if your relative is compost mentis, you think that they will be able to ask the nurse is what they're given does not seem to be what they normally get. this has happened to me but only 8 tumes. I would tell the nurse I thought it was wrong and she would thank me she would go back to the trolleys and medication and come 🔙🔙 and thank me. n mliin my view it should be checked by someone else. if you've got 15 people all on complex medication it is very difficult to be absolutely sure that you are right no no one evening the nest came while I was in the bathroom and she left my medication on my table. but I know I had a long ways other things three speckled pink tablets. I could not see these. I went into the corridor and found her and asked it come look and shesaid do you not trus...

So lonely wandering

wandering around the corridors of hell looking for some person we can tell this is not irrational this is wise it's not just our dementia that's lie

My hair was not washed for three months in a nursing home

my hair

I'll say this again.Look at me

e it's not enough to be with someone for a few minutes unless you make eye contact with them. otherwise we also feel ignored. it is very very painful and it might be one reason why people wonder about it going into other people's rooms going into other people's rooms because