
Assisted death may reduce the need for nursing homes which will lead to less profit if

It' possible that in a few years people with severe orterminal illness may be able to choose to die when they no longer feel their life is worth living because of pain disability or other factors. it's possible that nursing homes may close because people don't want to spend once or years lying in bed wearing nappers being fed my careers unable to do anything but watch the television and having f noew visitors. would you not rather die than be like that

Dementua and suicide... Is there a link?

I have been wondering whether there is any link between dementia and suicide or attempted suicide. in other word would people with dementia more likely to try to commit suicide? it's quite possible that there awareness of what is going to come might tempt some people but once as a mentor is fairly severe planning may not be very easy nor carrying out a plan. on reflection could it be the husband or wife if they have one who is more likely to commit suicide fearing the prospect on the future. perhaps this is a too rationae approach. so I am hoping to find some figures some studies of the subject. and in some countries where people are allowed to die if they feel their suffering too much mentally or physically could you ask to die if you knew that you're going to have severe dementia I think that is unlikely because from my experience with someone who is very severely affected I was 99 years old but she was able to enjoy talking to somebody if they could approach it in the righ

Original sin and nursing home is

Why am I thinking about original sin? No one talks about sin nowadays do though nor about evil and yet in the last 120 years we had two terrible world wars we had the Holocaust we had Stalin not to mention the other more recent tragedies The human beings can be involved in evil matters. What original sin was meant to be something that babies were born with something to do is sex being evil according to Santa Augustin of Hppo. . So what is the problem? Well I have a different explanation. Someone born into the economic system presently in Britain will be better off the many babies are in other parts of the world. Get the staff in care homes are not able to do their job with 100% satisfaction because the prime purpose of this care home is to make money for the owners and in order to make money you've got to charge a certain fee but not so high that no one will those who afford it with high enough to make a profit. Well you can do this by having the minimum number of staff and pa


I think if it was possible that's quite a few older people in care homes or nursing homes would like to die as soon as they could. when did btell me I was a coward because I wouldn't k8ll her some of the people Luke as if they've died already while they're still alive it's a horrible thing to see someone like that with terribly sad eyes. but the windows don't open very far and there's very few ways in which anyone could themselves I did read about amount in Italy dying while trying to climb out of a nursing home window and lord himself to the ground with some sheets it's like being in another another world where you have no autonomy really and if youask for more attention,were told that you're not the only person that they're losing after it's very sad really the whole thing is very very sad. because what they really want they want somebody to talk to to have a conversation with they want something to happen under there she was very long f

NowI know what the phrase I don't feel myself here means

When I returned home after a few days it was wonderful when the postman came to the door or some other people came and it was my decision what to do and who to invite and then all of a sudden I thought I didn't feel like myself at all now I feel like myself again I think I would have died in the winter of 23/24 if I had still been in the home I had three various severe test infections the like of wh . I'm ich I had before.

What a poor quality of life it can be

You can watch the television all day if you want to. You can listen to the radio. if you can't walk by yourself then you're very restricted because there are staff to take you into the garden or to do something with you and what most people seem to miss the most is conversatio, having a chat with somebody talking to somebody but it's got to be either someone they know and trust and love or someone very imaginative. good even if it's a poor quality of life it takes a lot of courage to get out if that is feasible for on the other hand there was a woman there when I was there and she was only there because she broken her more leg so obviously it was time limited but she was frightened of going home and at the same time she was angry about the large bill she was paying I think it's being alone at night that frightens people but it's so much nicer to sleep in your own bed and in my case I got a new bed. and I got a wool duve and new pillows. if you don't feel co

Yes you can go home again

You can go home from a nursing home even if you've been there for more than a year. Why would you want to go home? Being helpless is conducive to bring along depression. and although there may be a choice of food this is not very wide. we were given pork several times a week probably because it's the cheapest meat that you can buy but if you're not very keen on pork it's trying. I lost several kilos while I was in the nursing home because if I couldn't eat what was offered there was nothing else sometimes there wasn't even so when you go home you can choose your own food etc however you will have become institutionalized that means that you are used to letting other people tell you what to do including washing you and dressing you and probably choosing your clothes for you and you don't deal with your own doctor yourself they ring the doctor if they're thinking it's necessary which is fine when you've got dementia m but if you don't have de

You can get better

Reflecting on my experience living in this nursing home one thing is playing. ahat they don't expect anyone to get better. I was told I was going there to learn to walk but the staff in the care home had no interest whatsoever in whether I walked or not and in fact said to me that he was too much of an effort for me to struggle to learn to walk why didn't add his lie back in the bed and stay there forever. unknown to myself I did have a lot of severe back pain caused by a fractured disk which is still giving me trouble and if you want to know what it's like you can read some books by the writer Nicholas freeling about inspector castang the French defective and is Czech and if you want to know what it's like you can read some books by the writer Nicholas freeling about inspector castang the French defective and is Czech wife Vera a former gymnast. when I am older a time might come when I was an injury or an illness which will not get better and then I will have to give u

Steroids in the hospital and wanting to die

I'm in the hospital again I am finding it very very difficult they give me high doses of steroids seem to prevent me from sleeping and made me very agitated and wild. one of the worst experiences of my life and what I'm afraid of even more is that it made me feel that I wanted to go home and die. I have never felt like that before I had this feeling all night and day for more than a week until it eventually put it on me and gave me something to help me to sleep but even so it's traumatized me even now I'm not sure what I will do because the prospect of coming in again into early and goingeven now I'm not sure what I will do because the prospect of coming in again into early and going through all the sort of thing is overwhelming me now and I can't think about it

A hospital is open to scrutiny and criticism

I was not totally happy when I was in the geriatric ward in a large hospital in London but I was not afraid like I was in the nursing home because if something was wrong I could complain and I have complained since I left the hospital but overall my experience of the North Middlesex hospital is extremely positive as long as you can talk to somebody and find out what to do. the patient liaison service works very quickly and within a day you could be and within a day you could be speaking a motion or even to a doctor in the nursing home if you questioned your medication you got into terrible trouble. pretend that they were ignoring you but in the background they were trying to do with the problem secretly and I felt terrible for 48 hours after I was given the wrong medication when I was told it wasn't wrong it was because my eyesight was poor that I thought it was wrong.It is is a serious error not to accept criticism openly. accepting it will help both a person making the criticism