
Showing posts from June, 2023

Communication in nursing homes or any place where some folk have more power than others

What I talk about here is true of many places that we meet other people we can relate to people with loving kindness we can relate by power which is a force to which one party is subjected to by the other. So if it's a Matron from the NHS talking to someone who's in a Care Home there is an imbalance of power. this makes it easier for the matron to take control of the conversation. Now when that happened to me the person said something very unkind but it was not just what she said it was the way that she said it. when I told her later that I have been very hurt by the conversations she said that it hurts to know the truth. If she thought that she was telling me some important truth there is no evidence of that in that particular conversation. she may have been lying when to talk about telling me the truth.Or what I heard was not what she thought that she was saying. since she was saying cruel things and I was not then I imagine she felt very gratified by stamping her foot o...
Torture in a nursing home On Thursday 24 June 2022 the nurse here in Churn House said my BP was still too high and I lay down to restThe morning nurse burst in shouting and glaring said to me that I don't have angina and tricked me into giving her my GTN spray and said I could not have it though initially she said she would bring it back i have had angina 16 years and told to keep this on me always by all my previous doctors as it is unstable angina She said the night nurse would not give it to me even if I get chest pain This is torture. So what were they playing at? I was terrified.I cried so much it was painful and lonely This doctor had never even spoken to me Did they think I was lying. I don't think they know what angina is The same day the doctor sent a prescription to Boots for the same thing So within an hour they agreed I did have angina but Churn Bounce did not know And it came here but they would not give it to me. As often nobody comes when I ring the buzzer ...

We are not as helpless as you think

Making us feel more helpless is bad for us. Also it can make people angry and they will take it out on the staff even when they were not there at the time when it happened I suspect that in the hospital it is much more disturbing because any kind of passive submission can cause depression this can worsen the health problems and I would say in the old depression could cause earlier death.However some of the residents would not mind dying sooner

It's hard to communicate properly especially when you have no power

I have come to realise miscommunication is much more common than I thought and one of the main reasons for this is quite simple. When we speak to someone we think that they will hear exactly what we say. But what we say is filtered by personaity our voice our tone or accent but more importantly by what the other person can allow into their head. When I was in the hospital my sister told me that she'd been told that I would never be able to walk again.But when I asked the staff I found she had not been told that at all so the Sister who spoke to her believe that she has said I would be able to walk again but no better than I was previously because of the arthritis. but my sister heard unless she was lying she heard that I would never be able to walk again although I have not had a stroke or anything else that nature it seems to be caused by low blood pressure on standing. I was very ill with something else an infection which I had for quite a long time before I went to the hospi...


I wonder if I am allowed to use the word hermaphrodite on blogger. the Times newspaper is getting rather heavily censored in the comments

Economics care homes and original sin

Why am I thinking about original sin in? No one talks about sin nowadays do though nor about evil and yet in the last 120 years we had two terrible world wars we had the Holocaust we had Stalin not to mention the other more recent tragedies The human beings can be involved in evil matters. What original sin was meant to be something that babies were born with something to do is sex being evil according to Santa Augustin of Hppo. . So what is the problem? Well I have a different explanation. Someone born into the economic system presently in Britain will be better off the many babies are in other parts of the world. Yet the staff in care homes are not able to do their job with 100% satisfaction because the prime purpose of this care home is to make money for the owners and in order to make money you've got to charge a certain fee but not so high that no one will those who afford it with high enough to make a profit. Well you can do this by having the minimum number of staff...

The need to make a profit

Many nursing homes on pri vates. businesses are tun to make a profit. the places with a few ca rers as possible. puts some great burden on the carers. they feel a vocation to their work but if they have too many people to look after then they cannot do it to their own satisfaction. is this week there's been a shortage of clean sheets. they have to work withi constraints. this will lead to dissatisfaction. sometimes they say something a little bit rude like someone only wants attention but surely it's a good thing to want to tension those who give up will probably die sooner0 width5647.png"/> see

In or out of care homes respect people

I'm Everyone must be treated with respect, not just in care homes. the general level of cruelty towards others must diminish throughout society. Everyone who is old or has disabilities must be treated with great care. Kindness and patience can be learned and practised. Kindness will be greatly enhanced simply my stopping being unkind. Stop putting other people down for your own pleasure. The first step is to become less unthinkingly cruel

Nursing home abuse

ac According to the article I posted about nursing home problems in the United States their estimate that one in six people in a nursing home has been subject to abuse. It can be emotional psychological, physical and financial is also not unusual in families. but if you put your relative into a nursing home thinking that you're doing the best thing possible for them unless you keep an eye on them by visiting regularly you do not know what is going on and even if they themselves realize is wrong, they may be afraid or nervous of what they can do. sometimes it's not the people in the nursing home are abusing them: in the United Kingdom people in private nursing homes supervised by the local NHS community team.The highest ranking people there are the matrons. and I should know because I have been abused by a Matron if you look vulnerable or theyre in a bad temper it's very easy for them to vent their rage on you. I should know because it's happened to me personally. i...

It's not all due to dementia

Shouting "help" a lot may be demented but what the person wants may be normal especially a wish to go into the garden or a wish for company. It can be traunatic being so dependent on others.

Would you like to live in a prison?

, Why cant people go into the garden? It is a good desire. to want to go into the garden or somewhere else if not a symptom of dementia. Relatives ought to check this and say some member can't go into the garden they will move them to a different care home. Qll too often the family do not do anything including that is visiting the place. they want to be shot of them

Problems in nursing homes of a serious nature some problems in czte homes

They put me at risk of cardiac arrest because they did not believe me when I said I had angina

i was in the hospital with acute coronary syndrome in 2006 when I was 61. but I do not have coronary artery disease. I have a rare condition called variant angina which is caused by the artery going into a spasm similar to what happens with migraine in the head. I was put on some medication and one thing I had to carry with me always was something called gnt spray. you spray under your tongues if you get chest pain and it dilates the arteries it is also used to make bombs probably what you get from the spray is not as strong as a bomb or it would kill you. when I have been here for eight months I said to the nurse I would like to speak to the doctor about my medications because they had reduced one of my medications called a calcium channel blocker which is the treatment for variant angins all of a sudden one afternoonp they took my spray because someone in management had told them that I did not have a heart condition but that I suffer from anxiety. you can buy a gtn spray over t...

Nursing home abuse


Forced into a care home and mental health

a someone I know has been forced to go into a care home at leas for the time being but he has had serious mental health problems and apparently it will not come out of his room nor walk about which he needs to do because after having a serve he has lost a lot of his he has lost a lot of his mobility how will such a move affect someone with serious mental health problems terrified of see other people. he knows that I have been in here for far too long. he must be afraid that this will happen to him and he is very worried about money but he is poor she probably will get his fees pyed by the council I hope they will not send him to a psychiatric hospital because he can manage his mental health when he is house where he feels secure but if you have read this blog since I began as in February you know most people are not happy that many people here are you depressed sad lonely frustrated isolated I

Can someone be forced to go into

People also ask Can someone be forced to go into a care home? Can social services force someone into a care home? A social services worker can decide to move someone into a care home against their wishes or their families wishes if their care needs are not being met at home, if the elderly person is a risk to the safety of others living in the home and if the person is incapable of making a decision themselves about their care. › ca... Can Someone Be Forced Into a Care Home? | The Fremantle Trust MORE RESULTS Can you force an elderly person into a care home? Can you force someone to move to a care home? You cannot force someone who is deemed to be of sound mind and able to care for themselves to move into a care home if they don't want to. It is vital that, throughout discussions regarding care, the person's wants and needs are addressed at all times.

Living with other people but having no community

A care home is a very strange place when people live close to each other like students living in a hall of residence nurses working in a hospital used to often share a combination when they were training. image of the circumstances P eoplewould start to chat to each other. when you can scarcely walk without assistance you can't venture very far and when you are old you would most likely prefer familiar faces so you are near people but you cannot easily make friends with them you cannot make friends easily .aThere is a mixture of isolation and intrusiveness. Anybody who wants to can walk into your room without your permission They like to leave the door open so they can keep an eye on you when they walk past without actually having to speak to you.

Living in care homes the people are very vulnerable to abuse of a minor or major sort

We don't like to hurt people but sometimes we have to do something that will cause a problems because if it was a burglar who steal your house or your money you would not say don't call the police because it might upset the man. even if we don't care about what happened to us we live in society and she may carry on harming other people. So sometimes you just have to make a complaint however kind-hearted you are.

Loneliness in care homes is very sad


Sadism in Community Care in London

Sadism varies from mild cases such as bullying in the schoolyard (although that can be very serious) and the other end of the spectrum we have people like the Moors murderers almost everybody will be cruel at times to the to the family their friends to fellow workers Certain jobs can make it easier to be cruel. Jobs that give you power are the obvious ones and school teachers in past times were famous for their cruelty. Some jobs give you the time alone with someone such as when a doctor comes to visit you in your home and you have nobody with you although I have never had any bad experience with it in care homes there is plenty of potential for cruelty because many of the people have got dementia and so what they say could be written offe because they were confused and so on. A community Matron came into my room when I was feeling unwell so I was lying on my bed with so I was lying down which is often the case in nursing home. so if someone else comes into the room to speak to ...

Misuse of power by a community matronl n in London

The trial of the nurse Lucy Letby has made us realise how much power nurses in the hospital from intensive care for babies to any other situations and it can be very pleasant to feel that you've got someone else but in yout relative is frightened of you and that they have no way of complaining they have no husband wife children and certain people who are mentally disturbed to unleash their tongues onto adults or children when there is no one,' there to witness it. We tend to trust people with that sort of authority as we have done with doctors who did surgery when it was not necessary for it was necessary but they didn't do it correctly Women have been victimized like this concerning breast cancer and it went ona for several years and there must be some knowledge of this but nobody in the hospitals did anything about it

Problems of communication when an authority figure thinks they know everything

f wwhen you are alone in your room sometimes a carer will come in with a cup of tea. sometimes someone else comes in and says something cruel to you. and you have no witnesses to it and most of the people in the care home are not capsble remembering properly what someone said. so for those with a little psycho path so this is an opportunity to let their psycho come out and hit you or shout at you because you have no way of getting revenge. ethical issue is retaliation or tevenge bad? my view is yes it's a bad thing on the whole but I don't know whether it's actually a reason why you should not complain. I think I have written a post about that issue

There are many loving people working here in care homes

Despite my criticisms of care homes where I once worked as a carer in this one where I'm now opposing it fora few weeks, there is a l ot of love and when I was very distraught about my husband's anniversary all the staff that I saw were very very kind and sympathetic. unlock my colleagues at the university they do not use verbal communication for everything. they may use touch something or they bring you something before you ask for it. I sometimes wonder if this is not a better way. children who did not very successful as academics in the classroom are probably very intelligent in different ways and in some ways in our society this schizoid way of behaving and relating is common among intellectuals for thank God not everybody is an intellectual

What is retaliation anyway


Is complaining an act of retaliation


The editor is wondering about the nasty community matron

Do you know that in the United Kingdom each authority or London borough has department of community health and Care who have nurses and physiotherapists and other practitioners serving the local community. There are s community matrons each with responsibility for different parts of the service They are also responsible for the health of people living in Care Homes. the most vulnerable people in the care homes are possibly the ones who have dementia especially when it's been with them to several years. I would think that whatever the Matron does or says to these people, however however cruel, or inappropriate they know that the patient will not be beleieved if they tell the carers. so for those who are on the psychopathic side they can vent their feelings with no fear of a comeback. you can complain to the integrated Care Board but not many people with dementia and being very very old there are not going to make a complaint because they are not capable. I think this is very dan...

The psychology of small institutions

For 4 months a lady kept wandering around saying goodnight and god bless for everybody and then she started to do it multiple times a day even in the morning and one of the residents called Julie used to hate it. be fried and screamed whatever the old lady trying to get into he4 room to wish her god bless. footnote the very old lady have been put into the hospitals because a health has gone downhill.Yet Julie da7s how she misses the old lady. I can't comprehendunderstand understand this behaviorunderstand this is it because she's old?